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Welcome to the

Theodor Fliedner School

On our homepage you can find Information about the school, our work and our everyday school life.

Current notices



Safe way to school

Information on the safe way to school can be found here.


class and school boards

You can find the information from the school management from the class fosters here.


Information about Corona


On the first day of school, everyone present at school should test themselves voluntarily.

If the student test is positive, we will contact the parents and the children must go home immediately.


All students receive 2 self-tests to take home from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (through the school).

In the case of contact with a corona-positive person, or if the typical COVID-19 symptoms are present, such as coughing, runny nose, sore throat, loss of smell / taste, increased temperature, the test should be carried out at home. Further tests can be issued on request from the class teacher.

If there is reasonable suspicion of a possible corona infection in a child at school due to obvious symptoms of a respiratory infection, the responsible teacher or caregiver will ask the student to carry out an event-related test with an antigen self-test.

If the self-test is positive, there is always an obligation to carry out a Bürgtest or PCR test. If the corona infection is confirmed, domestic isolation is required.

School attendance can only be resumed after the end of the quarantine (10 days) or with a negative citizen test (after the 5th day at the earliest).

To avoid infection, regular hand washing and the voluntary wearing of a mask are recommended. The regular airing of the classrooms will be maintained.

News from school life

Recent articles onschool fruit project

New article onPlayhouse on Fischlaker Strasse

New article on thegraduation ceremonies


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Standort Lübecker Str. Anschrift: Lübecker Str. 15-17

45145 Essen

Telefon:     0201/756585                 Fax:          0201/8761296

OGS:        0201/ 88 75 440

Standort Fischlaker Str. Anschrift: Fischlaker Str. 62-64  45239 Essen

Telefon:   0201/401453                  Fax:         0201/8405386


© Copyright 2020 by Theodor-Fliedner-Schule, Essen.

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